lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010

Victoria: the white cat

You have all the main information about Victoria, so now SOME DETAIL!
Victoria is, probably, the most beautiful female cat, the white one, the elegant, delicate and graceful cat.
She's shy and she doesn't quite know how to relationate, this is her first Jellicle Ball, and everyone is alucinated with having THAT kind of cat in the tribe.Like I said, she's shy so she doesn't quite know how to relationate, so with her beautifulness she moves delicately around so everyone can see how she is, she shows herself through dancing, in her solo she's a little kitten discovering the beautiful body she has. At the end of the Musical she's already a teenager, the jellicle tribe knows her how she is and she can interact with them as family.
After her solo, she knows how beautiful she is so she likes to show it, in the Jellicle Ball she knows it and dances so hard! Specially just before the Mating Dance, she has discovered herself, and now is time to grow and show-up as a grown-up (not a actually a grown-up but she's pretty mature).

She's a rule-follower, very obedient but she couldn't resist see through that ugly coat who Grisabella uses, and see all the darkness and sadness and regret which Grisabella's coming through so Victoria, without thinking it twice, goes ahead and accepta her, which is really valuable, imagine that not even Dueteronomy did it! How clean-hearted Victoria has to be! And how she puts in the place of others, she's really a cat to admire, she's actually one of my favourite cats! In the movie she has no solo lines, but in the Broadway, American Tour and London productions it's Victoria that sings along with Grisabella in Memory and not Jemima. 
In the 81 Finola Hughes interpreted Victoria.


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